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Short Stories
- "To Crown a Sand Castle Just Right", T.J. Berg (#28)
- "Where Is the Line", David D. Levine (#28)
- "Bluebeard by the Sea", Sandra McDonald (#28)
- "Ten Sigmas", Paul Melko (#28)
- "The Ethics of Nonlinearity", Steven Mohan, Jr. (#28)
- "Fishing the Edge of the World", Devon Monk (#28)
- "The King of Memphis", David J. Schwartz (#28)
- "The Gods at Rest", Jeffrey Turner (#28)
- "Signs Your Domestic Robot Needs a Tune-Up", Bruce Boston (#28)
- "Living Library", Kendall Evans (#28)
- "Out", Charlee Jacob (#28)
- "I Know It's Time to Dance with Death", Darrell Schweitzer (#28)
- "Blizzardry", Anne Sheldon (#28)