Short Stories
- "Scrapbook for an Epidemic", Barth Anderson (11/03)
- "Rain", Gabriel Edson (11/03)
- "Ladybug Summer", Susan Marie Groppi (11/03)
- "Carving", Derek James (11/03)
- "Never, Incorporated", Michael Jasper (11/03)
- "Like Cherries in the Dark", Jay Lake (11/03)
- "A Shifting in Dust", Jen Larsen (11/03)
- "Spidergirl", Jenn Reese (11/03)
- "She Is Elizabeth Lynn Rhodea", Karina Sumner-Smith (11/03)
- "Fishing, I Go Among Them", Greg van Eekhout (11/03)
- "Indestructible", Alan DeNiro (11/03)
- "Wolf, with Saint", Alan DeNiro (11/03)
- "The Boring Things the Living Do", Daphne Gottlieb (11/03)
- "The Elder Daughter's Tale", Tracina Jackson-Adams (11/03)
- "Make Your One-Night Stand Last Forever with Voodoo", Jen Larsen (11/03)
- "New Blood", Sonya Taaffe (11/03)
- "Desire", Maria Garcia Tabor (11/03)
- "Volvo to the Beach", Jay Wenworth (11/03)
- "Life Among the Obliterati", Nick Mamatas (11/03)